Phewy told me that she's schedule for a winter holiday in Greece in Feb 2007. She's not seen snow before, just like me. She's so excited about the trip and had been going around looking at winter clothings. It came upon me that I can make her a scarf for Christmas!
And since I didn't know what is the color of her coat, I chose a safe color. A variegated yarn with black/gray/white combination.
After finishing 2 balls of the above scarf, I decided to change my mind. The color just doesn't do the pattern justice and vice versa. I should have chose a plain color, so that the pattern is more obvious!
Well... It happens all the time. Or is it just me that I'm fickle minded?
And while I was chatting with Phewy last week, she told me that she's going to Rome on the week of 20 Nov! It is an additional trip!
OMG! That means I only have 2 weeks left, I was thinking. And she told me that she's bought a white winter coat with pink trimmings. It comes with a furry trimmed hood too!
Wow, it must be real nice! Then, I was thinking if I should continue to make a scarf. Does scarf go well with a hooded coat? I really have no idea at all! Anyway, I'll just do it!
And so I made a 2nd trip to spotlight, hoping to find another yarn. I was looking for something pinkish, but there isn't anything to what I was looking for. And so, I saw a variegated purple yarn which I thought looks ok. The lighter part of the purple looks like pink, or rather lilac. And so, I though it will match her coat.
I casted on and starting knitting last Friday night. I brought it along for my yoga session on Sat too! And for 2 hrs, I knitted at the yoga place while waiting for my class to start. I finally finished about 40cm of it and tried it on...
I changed my mind again. Suddenly, I think that it's not that nice afterall! Not nice as in it might not match her coat at all! Am I being too much of a perfectionist or what? What is wrong with me? Why can't I just make up my mind and finish knitting a project?
While digging though the stash, I mean real stash. Now that I've started to learn sewing, I have so much stash! Not only on yarn, I've also got fabric too!
Finally, I managed to find some boucle wool in light pink color. I love this pink! Its one of those yarn that you like it so much that you can't bear to use it! It's just like a collector's item!!
Well, at least I'm sure that Phewy will like it. And I had to speed through the knitting so that I can pass it to her on time. I was supposed to meet her this Fri but the gathering was cancelled. And she was too busy preparing for the trip!
It's autumn in Rome, not too sure if she needs it, but I'll just send it to her anyway. That means, I will need to send it out this week. And so, I've been knitting till late night since last Sat in order to complete this scarf.
Its finally completed! Its done! The fastest project I've ever knitted!!!
I wish I have more time to wrap it better.
I'm going to send this out today.
I hope she likes it.

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