Monday, August 01, 2005


Silvia bought this yarn in black/white tone and she's finish knitting her bag.  I'm supposed to also use this for bag, but I've changed my mind now.  I'm gonna get more of this range of yarn to make some 4 cushion seat cover, and a table runner using red.  Also, a beige/brown range for a floor carpet in the living room.  That will cost me a bomb, considering $10.90 a ball, and I would need at least 8 for carpet, 10 for the dining set.  I wouldn't dare to count how much that is!!!

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1 comment:

Horse Power said...

That is a really cute ball of yarn! :)

I've been looking at all your snowflakes, too, they are awesome! I made one many years ago with worsted weight yarn just to try out the pattern .... yours are so pretty and delicate with the thread.