Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Another beady handphone accessory

The things that I do now no longer followed my blog title "Knitting 24/7". Been very lazy to knit nowadays.
Was bored last night and decided to organize my beads. My beads have been all over the place, in different kinds of weird containers or in the plastic bags. I bought some tiny clear plastic bags with a little zipper on top some time back. I poured all my beads individually into these bags for easy storage and organization. At least I could write their sizes on them.

After the packing the beads, I decided to practise making some basic "balls". The first that I did was a pink one and it was so sweet that I couldn't resist the temptation to do more balls in other colors. Looking at the many balls that I have, I decided to try to make something out of it. Wanted to try a necklace, but I didn't have the relevant supplies with me.
But I can't wait! Ended up making another handphone acccessory. I happened to have those silver chain and tried to make the balls go into the pattern, just like a bunch of grapes. Either I didn't get the concept right or the balls are too heavy, or the chain is not strong enough. The balls all seemed lopsided. In the end, I just attach a few balls on the chain and added in a pendant that I've made earlier. I'm happy with the final results.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Candy Bag

It was a long weekend due to Vesak Day holiday. Went to Spotlight to buy a yarn for my shawl, but found this new yarn there. Couldn't resist temptation as usual, andn bought some back to make a bag.
I had forgotten to take a pic of how the yarn looks like. But the end product looks lumpy, sort of like a carpet... However, I like the way it looks.

This is the first time I made a bag lining by myself. Had wanted to use a translucent material, but it was sooooo hard to sew. I ended up using felt, which was more manageable.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Yarn Binge

Spotlight has just added some new stocks. Bought a whole load of yarn. 2 types to be exact, one for a bag and the other for a shawl. The black shawl that I use in the office daily is getting worn out. Time to replace another.
Here's a little swatch that I've done on the taxi this morning. I've love the variegated color and everything abt this yarn.